Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Mrs Antoinnete M. Sethapelo together with a dedicated Educational Tour Committee have worked hard to ensure that the 2008 Form 2s undertake a ten day educational tour. Two-sixty five seater buses have been secured. It is hoped that a truck will also be secured as an addition to the buses. By Tuesday the 18th of November only Eighty students had paid the required travelling fair. It is hoped that by Friday the 21st of November, hundred and twenty students would be on the list of those who are going.
Sun 30-11-08 Gaborone to Francistown
Mon 01-12-08 Francistown to Kasane
Tues 02-11-08 Victoria Falls
Wed 03-12-08 Chobe National Park
Thur 04-12-08 Kasane Air Port
Fri 05-12-08 Crocodile & Dairy Farms
Sun 07-12-08 Dukwi & Sua
Mon 08-12-08 Dukwi Refugee Camp & Sua Mine
Tue 09-12-08 Morupule Collery
Wed 10-12-08 Shashe Dam
Back to base

Friday, November 14, 2008


Information Communications Technologies (ICTs) at Gaborone West Junior Secondary School play a greater role in ensuring that everyone copes with the dynamic global village.. The Computer Lab houses most of the technologies. Computers, printers, scanners, digital cameras, multimedia projector and multimedia speakers as well as headphones make a part of the technologies acquired by the school to make the school community adapt to the information age. Teachers share their knowledge in the use of the technologies. Some of them have taken it upon themselves to make personal investments by acquiring laptops, digital cameras and wireless Internet connectivity devices. With the technologies one can do the work anywhere anytime. The use of the electronic mail helps colleagues to keep in touch. The design of the school website which is at an advanced stage will be an added advantage to the deelopments. The whole school community rejoices at the excistence of the school blog since they can refer to it at anytime.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The Library committee this week celebrated as they recieved sixty two chairs for the library. Its a great step towards making the school library a better place for study. The efforts of the School Head Miss W.D. Dube in her support for the information structures in the school continue to manifest themselves. The computer lab had also recived furniture and had all glass outlets such as windows and doors tinted to minimise sunrays and enhance sercurity.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL LIBRARY MONTH(ISLM) Mrs Stella Naledi Madzikigwa Reports from the Library desk

Friday 31st of October 2008 is the last day of the International School Libary Month. At GWEST CJSS the school celebrates literacy and learning. The efforts of some members of staff who have shared their publishing archievemnts are recognised at a combined Assembly. The GWESTCJSS people are happy to have the likes of:

1. Mrs Gaainewe Malebogo Mokobi-The Deputy School Head who has made a mark in publishing. She has been an author, a co-author and editor of several publications which have been used as
prescribed school books for quiet sometime.
The Books are shown to the school community
and everybody marvels with appreciation.

2. Mrs Stella Naledi Madzikigwa is a co-author, and a co-editor of the Botswana National Atlas. The Atlas is not only an information source but a historical landmark. It comes along with CD-ROMs which makes it even more usefull. One can even access it on the web. This is a work worth celebrating. In June 2008, Mrs Madzikigwa presented at the First Botswana Library Association Conference a conference paper and is happy to present the conference proceedings to the entire school community on this last day of ISLM.

** With these celebration the school also celebrates litearacy by displaying newly aquired library books encouraging the community to read.

***The school blog is also presented to the school- pointing out the advantages of having a blog.


Monday, October 27, 2008


The school libray has been in operation since 1988 with the efforts of the a canadian couple by the names of Carol and Dough White. At the time of establishment of the school, most if not all school stakeholders reagrded the school libray as part of the English Department. This influenced its collection to be biased towards English language especially towards English Fiction. The departure of the Whites saw the take over of an English Teacher "Sindy" Sibanda who took over in 1989. Mrs Sibanda managed the small collection. Later she was joined by Lenah Bolekeng who also had a passion towards library collections and reading in general.
In 1993 Stella Madzikigwa joined the school. With the help of libray monitors both Sibanda and Madzikigwa worked together. Since the arrival of Madzikigwa, many developemnts have been realised. The partitioning was pulled down, new furniture was bought and the collection was improved by acquiring latest publications and weeding out the old. To this day Madzikigwa still works hard to see the library developing.

With the help of committee members such as Mis Pule,Ms Apadile, Mr. Marumo, Mr Mabapa, Ms Modise, Ms Mogotsi, Ms Moilwa and others, the library could not be what it is today. Thanks to the leadership of Ms W S Dube--the School Head who has vision and does all it takes to lead the school in its direction.


Form threes have just completed external examinations. The thought of not being Gwestners haunts many. Almost all of the students want to be identified with the school. This is evident from the numbers who are still seen on school grounds even three days after the exam has ended. Internal End of Year Examinations started on Tuesday. Its a rainy season and the temptation for many is going to bed early in the evening. However parents are encouraged to support their children ensuring that they study for the examinations.


Its examination time at Gaborone West CJSS. Waliking along the classroom it has been a great pleasure to find some students praying for one another. Its scary that one student is not yet in and others are scared she must have held the books for too long last night. Before worry wears them off, a sigh of releave is seen on some some faces as the little girl enters the room. This is the spirit at Gaborone West CJSS. Once your child is here you have been blessed with social support.


The school is situated in the western side of the capital city of Botswana-Gaborone. It is a great pleasure for parents to send their children to this school. For most of the children, the school is a walking distance from their homes, it is near the police, the clinic, the shopping areas, the bus rank, the fitness centre, the public sporting ground, the post office, petrol filling stations, the supermarket, the open market place and many others services. It is surrounded by four primary schools and many others which are also a walking distance. It is adjacent to a youth centre which offers services for the young. It is not an ivory tour but it exists for its people. When those who know what it means to be apart of this school community praise the school, they say "G-WAWA".

It only takes belonging to this school to know what it offers and the positive influence it plays on those who spend part of their life in it.