Monday, October 27, 2008


The school libray has been in operation since 1988 with the efforts of the a canadian couple by the names of Carol and Dough White. At the time of establishment of the school, most if not all school stakeholders reagrded the school libray as part of the English Department. This influenced its collection to be biased towards English language especially towards English Fiction. The departure of the Whites saw the take over of an English Teacher "Sindy" Sibanda who took over in 1989. Mrs Sibanda managed the small collection. Later she was joined by Lenah Bolekeng who also had a passion towards library collections and reading in general.
In 1993 Stella Madzikigwa joined the school. With the help of libray monitors both Sibanda and Madzikigwa worked together. Since the arrival of Madzikigwa, many developemnts have been realised. The partitioning was pulled down, new furniture was bought and the collection was improved by acquiring latest publications and weeding out the old. To this day Madzikigwa still works hard to see the library developing.

With the help of committee members such as Mis Pule,Ms Apadile, Mr. Marumo, Mr Mabapa, Ms Modise, Ms Mogotsi, Ms Moilwa and others, the library could not be what it is today. Thanks to the leadership of Ms W S Dube--the School Head who has vision and does all it takes to lead the school in its direction.

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