Friday, November 14, 2008


Information Communications Technologies (ICTs) at Gaborone West Junior Secondary School play a greater role in ensuring that everyone copes with the dynamic global village.. The Computer Lab houses most of the technologies. Computers, printers, scanners, digital cameras, multimedia projector and multimedia speakers as well as headphones make a part of the technologies acquired by the school to make the school community adapt to the information age. Teachers share their knowledge in the use of the technologies. Some of them have taken it upon themselves to make personal investments by acquiring laptops, digital cameras and wireless Internet connectivity devices. With the technologies one can do the work anywhere anytime. The use of the electronic mail helps colleagues to keep in touch. The design of the school website which is at an advanced stage will be an added advantage to the deelopments. The whole school community rejoices at the excistence of the school blog since they can refer to it at anytime.

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